I guess with the rumors that he was on the hot seat on last week's TV game, Purdue put that to rest saying he will return next season. What a joke, you win one game in three years and you have a job at Purdue. lolololoololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The stadium is empty, I mean empty. However, stupid people buy season tickets and don't show up! They want to keep their seats when a good team appears. lololololololoolol I gave up my 45 yard line tickets! I will not give a dollar to that organization who has this moron as a coach. He should be shining shoes at a bus terminal, not coaching football at Purdue. Tom T. Hall sung a song about it! Called "I am a shoeshine man". lololoolololololololololoololol Willie Nelson also sing the song. I am a shoeshine man, the best in the land! lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololooll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His record is 2-18 in the Big Ten, 6-25 for close to three years. He will be lucky to win a remaning game this season.