F Frank921 All-Big Ten Aug 22, 2006 4,131 61 48 Oct 11, 2015 #1 the media story comes out roughly 1:30pm a story we all basically knew was coming and yet KA doesn't release an e-mail to top donors and supporters until after 3pm? Seriously...and they wonder if there's still some doubt.
the media story comes out roughly 1:30pm a story we all basically knew was coming and yet KA doesn't release an e-mail to top donors and supporters until after 3pm? Seriously...and they wonder if there's still some doubt.
T terpfanz Junior May 29, 2001 1,635 487 83 Oct 11, 2015 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
F Frank921 All-Big Ten Aug 22, 2006 4,131 61 48 Oct 12, 2015 #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.