Fans had enough of this coach who will be back. lolololoololololo Calling him a coward collecting 2 million a year for two Big Ten wins in three years! lolololololololololololololololololo I say he is a SHOE SHINE MAN! THE BEST IN THE LAND! lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololoolol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since they are in the Big Ten, Purdue could not get less then 30,000 a game at home. The other team goes with big support and Purdue has students that go or may stay in the dorm instead of the game. lololololololololololololo! Purdue can't lose on money! It is just not top money! The AD is ready to retire so he is not going to get fired. No way! Purdue is in limbo for now. They say Drew Brees will be the next Purdue coach. So That will be a while.